Campus Life, Services & Support

Accessibility Services

As defined by Section 504 and the ADA, an individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, including learning. Academic accommodations are implemented to provide equal access to college programs and services. Students must contact the Office of Student Success to schedule appointments for accommodation requests or to discuss matters of concern. For further information, please call 732-987-2363.

Procedure for Requesting Accommodations

  • Students must make an appointment to meet with the Accessibility Officer (AO) each semester to fill out forms, discuss the impact of the disability in the academic setting, and request accommodations. This should be done before the semester begins or the first week of classes.
  • Documentation must be presented to the AO that supports the accommodations requested and states the functional limitations the disability causes (see documentation guidelines below).
  • Approved accommodations are kept in the student’s file, and the student delivers copies to their her faculty members. If the course is online, then the AO will send the accommodation letter to the professor.
  • After accommodations have been granted, the AO recommends that the student privately discuss accommodations with the faculty member. Students do not have to disclose the disability to the faculty member, unless they choose to.
  • Accommodations are divided into those needed for the classroom and for testing.
  • Note Taking Express is currently used for students needing a note taking accommodation. 

Documentation Guidelines

Accommodations are based on supportive documentation and must be current (within the past three years). The following guidelines are the documentation requirements for various types of disabilities. Please present these requirements to the certifying professional so your documentation is appropriate.

Documentation for Sensory, Physical & Psychological Disabilities

Supportive documentation of a disability is used to determine eligibility for disability services and accommodations, which must be provided by an appropriately certified professional who is knowledgeable about you and your condition. Such professionals include physicians, educational psychologists, therapists, mobility specialists, and rehabilitation counselors.

Documentation must include the following components, and must be current (generally within the past three years):

  • Diagnosis: A current medical diagnosis, including appropriate medical reports, relevant medical history, and clinical summary.
  • Current treatment: Identification of treatment, medications, assistive devices, or other services currently prescribed or in use.
  • Evaluation of: Identification of the substantial limitation on a major life activity presented by the disability, and a description of the current functional impact (limitation) of the disability in a college setting. The assessment should validate the need for services based on the impact of the student’s disability and level of functioning in an educational setting.
  • Specific recommendations: Suggested accommodations and/or academic adjustments, with an explanation supporting the need for each accommodation to achieve equal access.
  • Past use of disability services: Description of the accommodations and services used in the past.

Documentation for psychological disabilities must be current within six months of the accommodation request. Please request the Disability Verification Form for Students with Psychological Disabilities from the Office of Student Success to be filled out by the certifying professional.

Substantiation of a Learning Disability

Qualifications of the Evaluator

Professionals conducting assessments, rendering diagnoses of specific learning disabilities, and making recommendations for appropriate accommodations must be qualified to do so. Trained and certified and/or licensed psychologists, learning disabilities specialists (LDT-Cs), and educational therapists are typically involved in the process of assessment. Experience in working with an adolescent or adult population is preferred. It is not considered appropriate for professionals to evaluate members of their families.

  1. Documentation should validate the need for services based on the individual's current level of functioning in a postsecondary educational setting. A comprehensive assessment battery and the resulting diagnostic report should include background information; a diagnostic interview; and assessment of aptitude, academic achievement, and information processing, as well as a diagnosis. An IEP from high school must be accompanied by a psychological evaluation and an educational evaluation no more than three years old.
  2. There must be clear and specific evidence and identification of a learning disability. Individual “learning styles” and “learning differences” in and of themselves do not constitute a learning disability. The diagnostician is expected to use direct language in the diagnosis and documentation of a learning disability, avoiding the use of terms such as “suggests” or “is indicative of.” (Please provide this information to your diagnostician.) If the data indicate that a learning disability is not present, the evaluator should state this in the report.
  3. A well-written clinical diagnostic summary based on the comprehensive evaluation process as defined is a necessary component of the report. The clinical summary should include:
    • a written summary of background information about the student’s educational, medical, and family histories that relate to the learning disability;
    • demonstration that the evaluator has ruled out alternative explanations for academic problems as a result of poor education, poor motivation and/or study skills, emotional problems, attentional problems, and cultural or language differences;
    • indication of how patterns in the student’s cognitive ability, achievement, and information processing reflect the presence of a learning disability;
    • indication of the substantial limitation to learning or other major life activity presented by the learning disability and the degree to which it affects the individual (functional limitations) at the postsecondary level in the learning context for which the accommodations are being requested;
    • indication as to why specific accommodations are needed and how the effects of the specific disability are accommodated; and
    • an addendum of scores.
Recommendations for Accommodations
  1. The diagnostic report should include specific recommendations for accommodations as well as an explanation as to why each accommodation is recommended.
  2. A description of any accommodation and/or auxiliary aid that has been used at the secondary or postsecondary level should be discussed. Include information about the specific conditions under which the accommodation was used (e.g., standardized testing, final exams) and whether or not it benefited the student. If no accommodations have been previously provided, a detailed explanation as to why none has been used and the rationale for the student’s current need for accommodation(s) must be provided.
  3. Accommodation needs can change over time and are not always identified through the initial diagnostic process. Conversely, a prior history of accommodation does not in and of itself warrant the provision of a similar accommodation at the postsecondary level.
  4. Before your third year of enrollment at GCU, you may be required to provide updated documentation to support accommodations.

Service Animals

According to Titles II and III of the ADA, public colleges and private colleges that are “places of public accommodation” must modify their policies and practices to accommodate the use of a service animal by a person with a disability. The Department of Justice, which enforces Titles II and III of the ADA, defines a service animal as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability” (28 C.F.R. 35.104). Emotional support animals are not included within the definition of service animal. Section 504 also requires recipients of federal funds to permit “dog guides” in campus buildings (34 C.F.R 104.44(b)). Emotional support animals may be requested through Disability Services (please contact the Office of Student Success for appropriate forms and documentation policies and procedures).


Georgian Court offers historically competitive intercollegiate competition in these NCAA Division II sports: men’s and women’s basketball, cross-country, lacrosse, soccer, indoor and outdoor track and field, men's baseball, and women’s acrobatics and tumbling, softball and volleyball. Georgian Court Athletics competes in the university’s Wellness Center and surrounding fields and courts. Admission to all athletic contests is free with a current Georgian Court ID card.  The athletics offices are located in the Wellness Center. Telephone: 732-987-2471. Website:

Campus Ministry

The Office of Campus Ministry is located on the first floor of Mercy Hall. The office supports the spiritual growth of all members of the university community. Our vision of ministry calls us to:

  • Gather a diverse and vibrant faith community for worship, prayer, reflection and fellowship.
  • Witness to the good news of Jesus Christ and a Catholic vision of wholeness which embraces diversity and solidarity.
  • Cultivate faith-filled leaders who have the capacity to transform their communities and their world.
  • Animate the GCU community to live our Mercy identity through compassionate service and advocacy of justice.

Campus ministry’s staff is dedicated to serving the entire academic community - including students, faculty and staff.  It regularly partners with a variety of GCU offices, departments, student clubs and other campus organizations. The office plans and coordinates a wide range of spiritual programs such as prayer services, retreats and interfaith experiences.  It is also a campus hub for volunteer work, service learning and social justice programs/events. The campus ministers are available to confidentially discuss personal, religious, and moral concerns.  Campus ministry is open and welcoming to all, regardless of faith, race, age or gender identity.

The Office of Campus Ministry also provides for the sacramental life of the community.

  • Sunday Masses and daily Communion Services are celebrated in the Dorothy Marron University Community Chapel and in the St. Stephen's Chapel (in the Mansion).  Check with Campus Ministry for the liturgical schedule.
  • Students may join GCU's RCIA program to explore the possibility of being Baptized, receiving Confirmation or becoming Catholic.
  • The office assists Conferences and Special Events in arrangements for weddings in our chapel.

Career Services

The Office of Career Services, located in the Sister Mary Joseph Cunningham Library, offers a range of career services to the Georgian Court community. It assists students in maximizing their potential by helping them to identify and explore their academic and professional goals, as well as design and implement action plans to achieve those goals. Focusing on building students professional qualifications through experiential learning, graduate school advisement, and career counseling, the office provides a wide range of services to help students.

Services include:

  • student employment;
  • one-on-one career counseling;
  • internship and experiential learning assistance;
  • career assessment tools;
  • résumé assistance;
  • interview tips and tools;
  • an online job posting system, GCU Link;
  • job fairs;
  • the Career Services Blackboard Organization, with useful job search resources; and
  • a variety of career workshops, networking events and opportunities to meet new employers.

Students are encouraged to meet with a career services representative to discuss their needs. Contact the office at or 732-987-2602.


Commuting students are an integral part of the Georgian Court community. They have the use of the library/student lounge complex; the fitness center; the Lion’s Den; the Health Center; the Counseling Center; the Office of Career Services; the Office of Campus Ministry; and the Office of Student Activities and Engagement, among others. They are invited to all special dinners and receptions. It is in their interest to attend university functions in the evenings and afternoons and to participate as fully as possible in the life of the university.

Counseling Center

The graduate experience can be challenging and rigorous for many students. The Counseling Center, located on the second floor of the Casino, offers a wide variety of services that are free of charge to graduate students. These services are geared toward facilitating continued personal growth, enriching relationships with self and others, and creating a work-life balance in an effort to enhance graduate students’ experience and to encourage persistence in their endeavors. The Counseling Center provides confidential individual and group therapy; offers workshops focused on stress management, test anxiety, and healthy relationships; and performs screenings for depression and anxiety. The Counseling Center is accredited by the International Accreditation of Counseling Services.

Dean of Students

The Dean of Students (Casino, first floor) serves as an advocate for the GCU student, ensuring that the student voice is heard. As a key liaison between the students and university administration, the dean of students works to develop open lines of communication and a healthy collegial environment among students and the administrative staff. Serving as the chief judicial officer as it relates to student issues, the dean of students also develops and facilitates the Student Code of Conduct, the Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy, and other policies and procedures that govern student conduct. The Dean of Students is also the chief student affairs officer at GCU managing the following offices: Residence Life, Student Life, and Student Activities and Engagement. The Division of Student Affairs creates a campus environment where the GCU student is fully engaged both inside and outside of the classroom.

The dean also serves as a Title IX coordinator.

Students are encouraged to stop by the Office of the Dean of Students when they have questions and are not sure where to find the answers. In the Office of the Dean of Students, the student experience is valued above all else. We are here to serve.

Global Education Programs

Under the direction of the provost, the Office of Global Education Programs advances the university’s mission to educate and empower our students in diverse local and global communities by opening up the world of international learning. The Office of Global Education Programs provides students with academic and experiential international learning and service opportunities, designed to deepen intercultural understanding, increase multicultural competence, and create community across borders.

Global education programs are designed to help students develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and their own values and culture, become aware of critical concerns that affect the world, participate in the dialogue on global issues, appreciate diversity, heighten critical thinking skills, become civically engaged, and become self-directed scholars and global citizens. The Office of Global Education Programs strives to achieve its goals through diverse programs and initiatives.

These include:

  • approved study abroad programs (semester, summer, and January options);
  • faculty-led, short-term study abroad programs;
  • service-learning and internship opportunities abroad;
  • approved virtual study abroad programs; and
  • global awareness events on campus.

All interested students are invited to participate in either a short-term study, internship, or service experience abroad (one, two, or three weeks) or a summer, a semester or a year abroad in an approved program after applying and discussing their options with the director of global education programs.

The director of global education programs provides direction for selecting culturally rich and academically sound international experiences, and initiates the university approval process for study and service abroad programs. Visit for more information.

Enrollment in a study abroad program approved for credit by GCU may be considered enrollment at GCU for the purpose of applying for assistance under Title IV, HEA programs. Students may use State of New Jersey forms of financial aid for some study abroad programs.

Health Services

The Health Center

The Health Center at Georgian Court University exists to assist students in maintaining optimal health. Staffed with registered nurses and a part-time physician, we offer free confidential health care to all students at GCU. 

Health Care for GCU Students

In addition to treating minor illnesses and health issues, we aim to educate students on disease prevention and wellness. Through health counseling, screenings, and wellness programs, we are here to help you attain a healthy lifestyle. If you have a more serious health issue that we do not treat, we can refer you to specialists and hospitals for further treatment. Click here (PDF file) to view the GCU Health Services Privacy Notice.

The Health Center Offers the Following Services:

  • treatment of minor illnesses and conditions,
  • interim care of those with chronic illnesses,
  • first aid and care of minor injuries (all injuries should be reported promptly to the Office of Health Services),
  • limited lab testing, and
  • referrals to area hospitals and specialists, as needed.

Student Health Insurance

Georgian Court University does not offer student health insurance. The federal government has established health insurance exchanges that continue to allow families and individuals who need health insurance to compare coverages and related costs among a variety of insurance companies. The Patient Portability and Affordability Care Act (PPACA) also requires employer plans to continue to provide dependent coverage to their employee’s dependents until the age of 26. In addition, Medicaid eligibility has been expanded in many states, including New Jersey. Please visit your state’s health care exchange to determine if you are eligible for Medicaid coverage.

Students need to determine if they are eligible for dependent coverage under their parent’s health insurance plan and/or access health insurance exchanges in your state. Students are encouraged to visit to learn about health insurance options. However, the debate over the future of PPACA and U.S. health care reform continues.

International Students

It is Georgian Court University’s policy that all international students maintain health insurance coverage while attending GCU. As an international student, it is your responsibility to enroll in a health insurance plan that will cover the costs of prescriptions and medical treatment(s) while studying in the United States. While many countries bear the expense of health insurance for their residents, individuals in the United States are responsible for these expenses themselves. All international students are required to have health care coverage that can be utilized in the United States while studying at GCU, thus potentially mitigating some of the costs associated with health care-related expenses.

Student Immunization & Document Requirements

All students are required to complete a Student Health Form and provide documentation of immunizations before attending class and/or moving into residence halls. Click here to complete your health forms via the student health portal.

Failure to comply will result in a hold on your account and inability to access your grades or register for future classes.

Georgian Court University Requires the Following:

  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR): Two doses: First dose given after 1968 and on or after 12 months of age; second dose separated at least by 28 days from the first dose or laboratory report indicating positive immunity.
  • Hepatitis B: (Full-Time Undergraduate and Graduate Students Taking 9 or More Credits): Three doses of vaccine (two doses of adult vaccine in adolescents 11 to 15 years of age)/or laboratory report indicating positive immunity.
  • Meningococcal (must include Groups A, C, Y, & W-135): Requirement for all first time students under the age of 19 (Commuters and Residents) and Resident Students over the age of 19. Meningococcal Meningitis vaccine given on or after 16th birthday. Booster dose required if given prior to 16th birthday.
  • Verification of a negative Tuberculosis (Mantoux) test or Quantiferon Gold-TB test is required of all resident students performed within 6 months PRIOR to move-in date. International commuter students must submit results from testing within 6 months prior to the start of classes. 

Georgian Court University Highly Recommends the Following Immunizations:

  • COVID-19 Vaccination Completed Series and updated (bivalent) booster.
  • Meningococcal B (Men B): You may still be at risk for group B, which causes 60% of the meningitis cases of young adults in the United States under the age of 25. Therefore, to help ensure that you are protected against meningococcal disease, it is important that you contact your health care provider to discuss vaccination against meningitis group B. Here are some facts to help you better understand meningitis:
    • Risk: Meningococcal disease is spread through close contact with an infected person or prolonged close contact with respiratory secretions. College students are at an increased risk for meningococcal disease, compared with the general population, because of their close-quarter living, learning, and social environments. Certain lifestyle factors such as bar patronage, active or passive smoking, kissing, sneezing, coughing, and sharing of personal items (cups, utensils, toothbrushes, cigarettes, lipsticks, water bottles) increase the risk of contracting the disease. Almost one in four adults are carriers of the bacteria and show no symptoms but can still potentially spread the infection to others, making it difficult to predict who will show signs of the disease.
    • Seriousness: Meningococcal disease progresses very rapidly and can cause life-threatening complications within 24 hours. If not treated early, 10% of meningococcal disease cases result in death and 60% of patients experience permanent, significant physical and/or mental disabilities such as brain damage, loss of hearing, or amputation of limbs. Meningococcal disease can be easily misdiagnosed because early symptoms often resemble the flu. Later symptoms can include high fever, headache, stiff neck, rash, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, and confusion.
    • Prevention: Vaccination is the best way to help prevent meningococcal disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College Health Association. There are five common types of bacteria that cause meningitis in the US: A, C, Y, W and B. Until 2014, there were no vaccines to help protect against meningococcal group B.
  • TDAP—Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis: 1 dose given after 2005 and a tetanus booster (td) every 10 years.
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox): 2 doses.

More information about meningococcal disease is available on the CDC Prevention website or the New Jersey Department of Health website.  

Becoming a Resident Student if You Were a Commuter

Commuter students who would like to become resident students MUST provide additional immunization information to Health Services prior to moving into the residence halls. Commuters who wish to be residents must provide proof of meningitis vaccine given on/after 16th birthday, and must include Groups A, C, Y, and W-135, as well as TB testing, which was completed no earlier than 6 months prior to move-in date. Each student must be cleared by Health Services before moving into the dorms, and Health Services clearance includes several steps. Click here to complete your health forms via the student health portal.  If you have questions, please contact Health Services at 732-987-2756.

Math Lounge

The Math Lounge is the mathematics-specific tutoring center for all students with varying needs. We offer professional and peer tutoring for levels starting from the Skills Development level to the highest level of mathematics at GCU. The lounge is equipped with three professional tutors and varying amounts of peer tutors with multiple math course tutoring abilities along with some science and computer science experience. Along with our normal course tutoring, we also offer assistance for many of the standardized tests that our students will encounter, including the teacher certification PRAXIS tests. Each tutor is required to meet certain standards for employment to be eligible to tutor for sessions as minimal as 20 minutes ranging to a maximum of one hour. The Math Lounge also has updated mathematical technology to assist in the learning experience including computer software, graphing calculators, and visual assist boards ideal for group learning. Texts from the various levels of mathematics are also available at the lounge for reference along with other items for supplemental learning of various mathematical concepts. Students who utilize the Math Lounge can make appointments or come by as a walk-in. For scheduling the tutor of your choice (you can see the tutors’ credentials), a student can go to  The Math Lounge is located in the lower level of the GCU library, and is the mathematics-specific tutoring center for all students with varying needs.  We offer professional and peer tutoring for levels starting from the Skills Development level to the highest level of mathematics at GCU.  For further information, please contact Phone: 732-987-2386.

Military & Veterans Services & Outreach

The Student Veterans Association offers a variety of academic, social, and logistical resources aimed to assist active service members and veterans who are students at Georgian Court University, as well as their families.

The Veterans Lounge is open in Jeffries Hall 144, a few doors down from the Little Theatre. Focus on your studies, network with others, or simply hang out. It is also a place where connections can be made and relationships built with like-minded students, many of whom share similar past experiences.

Having served our country with honor, courage, commitment, and loyalty, it is only right to have a place all your own. To connect with us, visit the GCU Veterans Facebook group.

Student Activities

Georgian Court recognizes that experiences outside the classroom are important to the overall development of students and supports a strong cocurricular program to complement the instructional activities. Through the Office of Student Life a full program of social, cultural, and recreational activities is planned in conjunction with students, classes, clubs, and campus organizations and implemented to enhance the classroom experience. Activities include trips, Broadway shows, sporting events, and other social and educational activities.

Student Organizations

The students in some graduate programs have formed associations or participate as graduate students in undergraduate honor societies in their discipline. Students should contact their graduate program director for more information.

Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) National Leadership Honor Society

The university-wide circle of the ODK national leadership honor society is open to graduate students. Students who meet the academic criterion for membership will be sent an e-mail invitation to apply in September of each year. New members are elected from among the applicants based on leadership accomplishments.

Student Publications

  • The Fountain Spray (literary magazine)
  • The Lion’s Tale (student newspaper)

Student Success

The Office of Student Success provides a holistic approach to successful completion of a college degree through programs and services designed to help students succeed academically and personally. The Office of Student Success offers the following:

Students should seek the Office of Student Success for:

  • navigating the university’s offices, policies, and procedures, including course registration, academic course placements, use of Self-Service for courses, financial aid, and student accounts;
  • preparing and planning courses for degree completion in conjunction with faculty advisors;
  • understanding how to study, learning styles, time management, course syllabi;
  • connecting to other resources, such as the Writing Center, Peer Tutoring & Supplemental Instruction, the Math Lounge, reference librarians, Office of Information Technology;
  • addressing emergencies and hardships through the GCU Cares program and the Angel Fund;
  • transitioning and adjusting to the college environment


The Office of Student Success is located in Jeffries Hall, Rm. 101. If you have any questions about our services, or would like to set up an appointment, please connect with us via email: or phone: 732-987-2363.

Writing Center

Conveniently located on the first floor of the library, the Writing Center is a free service open to any member of the GCU community. The center is open Monday through Saturday during the fall and spring semesters with limited availability during winter and summer sessions. Appointments are typically scheduled in advance, but walk-ins are welcome. Visit to book a face-to-face or virtual appointment. Sessions are booked for an hour or half hour. Contact or 732-987-2362 for further assistance. Please bring a copy of your assignment and any associated drafts.

Quality and Convenience

The Writing Center’s professional staff consists of experienced tutors and writing teachers, who offer one-on-one consultation for writing in the English language. Tutors assist with grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. In addition, they help students organize their ideas, integrate research, and learn stylesheets such as APA. The director, in collaboration with the library, hosts “boot camps” for master’s thesis writers. Since many graduate students work full time, the center holds evening and weekend hours, as well as virtual tutoring through Web cam and telephone. Students are encouraged to visit at any stage of the writing process.