Georgian Court Certificates

Georgian Court certificates are awarded at the completion of a specific program of study. Many Georgian Court certificate programs also result in eligibility for certification or endorsements to certification through the New Jersey Department of Education. Georgian Court certificates are not to be confused with New Jersey Department of Education teacher certification, administrative certification, or educational services certification, which require applications to the state upon completion of the program of study. See program sections for admission and completion requirements for GCU certificates.

Note: GCU’s GRE code # is R2274.

Student Immunization & Document Requirements

All students are required to complete a Student Health Form and provide documentation of immunizations before attending class and/or moving into residence halls. Click here to complete your health forms via the student health portal.

Failure to comply will result in a hold on your account and inability to register for future classes.

Georgian Court University Requires the Following:

  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR): Two doses: First dose given after 1968 and on or after 12 months of age; second dose separated at least by 28 days from the first dose or laboratory report indicating positive immunity.
  • Hepatitis B: (Full-Time Undergraduate and Graduate Students Taking 9 or More Credits): Three doses of vaccine (two doses of adult vaccine in adolescents 11 to 15 years of age)/or laboratory report indicating positive immunity.
  • Meningococcal (must include Groups A, C, Y, & W-135): Requirement for all first time students under the age of 19 (Commuters and Residents) and Resident Students over the age of 19. Meningococcal Meningitis vaccine given on or after 16th birthday. Booster dose required if given prior to 16th birthday.
  • Verification of a negative Tuberculosis (Mantoux) test or Quantiferon Gold-TB test is required of all resident students performed within 6 months PRIOR to move-in date. International commuter students must submit results from testing within 6 months prior to the start of classes.