Class/Course Information

Class Attendance

Georgian Court University values the education of the total student and recognizes that learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.

Students are expected to attend all their scheduled classes. Policies for maximum course absences will be stated in the course outline. Students should notify their instructors if illness or personal circumstances prevent them from attending class, especially if an assignment or test is scheduled for that day. It is at the discretion of the instructor to determine if students will be permitted to make up specific assignments, including tests, according to the instructor’s stated policy. Students are responsible for any course content missed due to absences.

Students who are absent from multiple classes for more than a week should provide the director of student success & academic support with appropriate documentation and the director of student success & academic support will authenticate that absence. Students should also discuss such absences with their instructors. Students missing an occasional class do not require authentication.

Students whose participation in an intercollegiate sport, the dance program, education abroad, or other sanctioned GCU activity that will require them to miss classes during the semester should present an official schedule to the instructor at the beginning of the semester and keep the instructor informed about changes or additions to that schedule. Students and their instructors should discuss the implications of missing those classes and how to make up all work, including assignments and exams, in accordance with the instructor’s policies.

Nonattendance or verbal notification in a semester for which a student has registered does not constitute an official withdrawal.

Course Final Assessment

The university schedules time at the end of each semester for a final assessment in each course. Should illness prevent a student from being present on that day, the student should contact instructors immediately to arrange to make up the missed work. Such arrangements must have the approval of the chair of the department.

Cancellation of Classes

By an Instructor

On occasion, an instructor may need to cancel class. The instructor will notify the dean, department chair, and students. Faculty will communicate details to students via e-mail or the Blackboard Learning Management System (Bb).

By the University

Every effort will be made to make cancellation announcements at least two hours before class is scheduled to begin.

GCU has an emergency notification system that sends time-sensitive notifications to students, faculty, and staff within minutes in case of university-wide cancellations, closures, emergencies or other important announcements. You may receive notices by voicemail, e-mail, and/or text message. This information will also be posted on the website at, university social media, and across various media outlets.  Recipients should check e-mail, voice mail, or the website for additional information. 

When GCU’s Lakewood campus offices are closed for in-person services and in-person classes, campus offices will operate virtually and in-person classes, activities, and events may move online. Online and virtual classes, events, and activities will continue as planned. Scheduled activities may continue, if safety and circumstances allow.

For in-person classes not held at the GCU main campus in Lakewood, GCU classes will comply with the cancellation/closure decision of the location at which the classes are held. 

In all cases, participants should check their e-mail and Blackboard Learn for information about rescheduled or make-up classes, activities and events.  Employees should refer to leave guidance from their unit supervisor.

Students Taking Courses at an Enrollment Location Other Than Their Own

Students enrolled at a location other than the Lakewood campus must take all required courses offered through their enrollment location at that location. Exceptions will be made only for extenuating circumstances (e.g., student failed a course at the student’s location and to catch up with the student’s cohort, student needs to take the same course in Lakewood in the summer). Approval for any exceptions will follow the process outlined below.

Regarding Situations Not Covered Above:

For all courses except GEN199 WI:Discovering Self in the Universe, GEN400 WI:Visioning a Future, and the courses that satisfy the religious studies, ethics, and women and gender General Education requirements, students who want to take a course based at a location that is not their location and that is closed to students from their location can enroll in the course with the approval of their academic advisor. Before giving approval, the academic advisor should ensure that the student will not be taking a seat needed by students who are in the program at the other location. The academic advisor should complete and submit the appropriate registration form via e-mail to the Office of the Registrar to enroll the student in the course at the other location, and copy the student and, if the course is in the student's major, the student’s department chair on the e-mail.

For GEN199 WI:Discovering Self in the Universe, GEN400 WI:Visioning a Future, the academic advisor should e-mail the student’s request to the director of the General Education program, who will make a decision about the request after considering the enrollment needs of the students at that location. If the student’s request is granted, the director of the General Education program should complete and submit the appropriate registration form via e-mail to the Office of the Registrar to enroll the student in the course at the other location, and copy the student on the e-mail.

For the courses that satisfy the religious studies, ethics, and women and gender General Education requirements, the academic advisor should e-mail the student’s request to the associate provost for academic program development (or designee), who will make a decision about the request after considering the enrollment needs of the students at that location. If the student’s request is granted, the associate provost should complete and submit the appropriate registration form via e-mail to the Office of the Registrar to enroll the student in the course at the other location, and copy the student on the e-mail.

Tuition & Fees

Students who enroll in a course that is associated with a different location than their enrollment location will be billed according to their enrollment location.

Online, Virtual & Hybrid Courses

Online: The course is taught 100% online using the university’s learning management system to deliver Internet-based interactive instruction. Students do not come to a classroom. Courses are taught asynchronously, without specific meeting timelines although course assignments and exams have required due dates. The day is listed on the course schedule as OL, and building/room is listed as Online – Bb.

Virtual: The course is taught 100% online using the university’s learning management system to deliver Internet-based interactive instruction. Students do not come to a classroom. Courses are taught synchronously with specific day and times the student is required to be in the virtual classroom. The day and time are listed on the course schedule, and building/room is listed as Virtual - Bb. 

Hybrid: The course is taught 60% or less online using the university’s learning management system to deliver Internet-based interactive instruction and 40% or more with the instructor in the same room as the students. The percentage that is taught online may vary from course to course. Students are required to come to the classroom for the face-to-face sessions. The days of the week and times that face-to-face sessions are held are listed on the course schedule and/or course outline and in the learning management system. The days are listed with an H or HY designation on the course schedule.

Credit-Hour Assignments for Courses

A credit hour is the amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that approximates not less than (1) one hour (50 minutes) of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours (100 minutes) of out-of-class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time, or (2) at least an equivalent amount of work as required in (1) for other activities such as lab work, internships, practica, and studio work. Faculty members in academic departments propose the amount of credit hours to be assigned to each new course to the dean and appropriate curriculum committee based on the preceding definition of a credit hour. New course proposals are accompanied by sample syllabi/course outlines that show the amount of work, intended learning outcomes, and how achievement of the learning outcomes will be assessed. The amount of credit hours approved for a new course by the dean and curriculum committee is then reviewed by the provost, who has the final authority for assigning credit hours to a course. This policy applies to all courses, regardless of mode of delivery.

Example:  If a one credit lecture course is taught during a 14 week semester, the corresponding times would be approximately 54 minutes of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of 107 minutes of out-of-class student work each week.