Grading, Grade Appeals, Honors & Graduation

Grading System

Academic standing and eligibility for graduation are dependent upon both quality and quantity of work. The grade point average is a numerical index of the ratio of the number of quality points earned to the number of credits received.

Grade Numerical Equivalent Quality Points
A 95 and above 4
A- 90-94 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 83-86 3
B- 80-82 2.7
C+ 77-79 2.3
C 73-76 2
C- 70-72 1.7
D+ 65-69 1.5
D 60-64 1
F 59 or below 0
W Indicates that a student withdrew from a course.
WE Indicates that a student withdrew from a course with extenuating circumstances.
INC Indicates a temporary extension of the semester.
AU Audit, indicates no credit/no quality points
P Passing grade, indicates credit/no quality points
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
COMP Completed or Passed, no credit, no quality points
NCOMP Not Completed or Failed, no credit, no quality points
T Transfer credit


To audit a class, a student must obtain permission from the instructor and department chair and pay the appropriate fee.

A student is allowed to audit one course per semester under the following conditions:

  1. Student must be properly enrolled in the university as either matriculating or nonmatriculating.
  2. Student may audit only on a space-available basis. This request requires the signature and approval of the instructor and the chair of the department in which the course is given and then must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
  3. Audited courses are considered part of the student’s regular course load but do not carry academic credit. Financial aid as applicable to audit courses must be cleared through the Office of Financial Aid.
  4. An audited course cannot be changed to a credit course after the add period is completed.
  5. A credit course cannot be changed to an audited course after the add period is completed.
  6. The student’s record will show a grade of AU for the course if the instructor certifies that the course has been completed.
  7. A student who has audited a course may take the course for credit at a later date.

Incomplete Work

A student who has done satisfactory work in a course, but has not completed the course requirements because of illness or some other emergency situation, may request an “Incomplete” as a temporary extension of the semester. To receive this extension, the student must submit the Request for Incomplete form to the instructor and dean of the appropriate school for approval. This request must be made prior to the start of final assessment period. At the end of the semester extension, if the instructor does not submit a final grade to the registrar, the student will automatically receive an F for the course unless the instructor submits a different grade, based on work previously completed.

The semester extension period is not to exceed six weeks after the end of the term and is referenced on the Office of the Registrar’s web pages and Request for Extension form.

Repeating a Course

A course retaken to improve a grade will result in only the higher grade being calculated in the academic average. The lower grade will remain on the academic transcript but will not be included in the grade point average or in the earned credit total. Repeated courses shall be taken at Georgian Court, unless special permission is given by the department chair of the student’s major.

Grade Posting

Grades are available via Self-Service approximately three weeks after the completion of any term. Indebtedness to Georgian Court University precludes access to grades and transcripts.

Grade Appeals

A student wishing to file an appeal about a final grade or a grade received for a particular piece of work in a course should follow this procedure:

For a grade received for a particular piece of work in a course:

  1. The student must first attempt to resolve the matter through discussion with the faculty member who assigned it within 10 working days of receiving the grade.
  2. If the issue cannot satisfactorily be resolved between the student and faculty member within 10 working days after the student has conferred with the faculty member, the student may specify in writing the basis for the grade appeal and request a review by the appropriate department chair. This written appeal should reach the department chair no later than 10 working days after the student has conferred with the faculty member. The department chair shall attempt to resolve the issue between the student and the faculty member, in consultation with the faculty members in the discipline. Written notification of the determination by the department chair shall be sent to the student within 10 working days of the receipt of the appeal. The department chair’s decision is final.

For a final grade:

  1. The student must first attempt to resolve the matter through discussion with the faculty member who assigned it within the first 10 working days of the next semester. If the faculty member receives from the student convincing evidence that the original grade is inaccurate, the faculty member shall correct the grade. If an inaccurate final grade has been given, the faculty member shall submit a Change of Grade form to the Office of the Registrar.
  2. If the issue cannot satisfactorily be resolved between the student and faculty member within 10 working days after the student has conferred with the faculty member, the student may specify in writing the basis for the grade appeal and request a review by the appropriate department chair. This written appeal should reach the department chair no later than 10 working days after the student has conferred with the faculty member. The department chair shall attempt to resolve the issue between the student and the faculty member.
  3. If the issue cannot be resolved satisfactorily within 10 working days, the student may then submit the appeal in writing to the dean of the school of the particular discipline, who will then attempt to resolve the issue between the student and the faculty member.
  4. If the issue is still unsatisfactorily resolved within 10 working days, the student may submit the appeal in writing to the provost, who shall attempt to resolve the issue in consultation with the student, faculty member, department chair, and school dean. If an agreement is not reached in this consultation, the provost shall have the final authority to resolve the appeal. Written notification of the determination by the provost shall be sent to the student within 10 working days of the receipt of the appeal. The provost’s decision is final. Copies of the decision shall be provided to the student, faculty member, school dean, department chair, and registrar within 10 working days of the receipt of the appeal. If the faculty member believes that their academic freedom has been compromised by the provost’s decision, the faculty member may appeal the decision in accordance with the grievance procedure and timelines set forth in the appropriate section of the faculty personnel policies volume of the policy manual, which can be accessed at

Dean’s List & President’s List

Dean’s List: In recognition of high academic achievement, a Dean’s List designation is indicated on student transcripts each fall and spring semester. The Dean’s List is composed of students with a term grade point average of 3.6000 to 3.8999 earned during the term if the student carried at least 12 credit hours of letter-graded courses. Students with incomplete grade(s) at the end of the semester are not eligible for the Dean’s List.

President’s List: In recognition of highest academic achievement, a President’s List designation is indicated on student transcripts each fall and spring semester. The President’s List is composed of students with a term grade point average of 3.9000 or higher earned during the term if the student carried at least 12 credit hours of letter graded courses. Students with incomplete grade(s) at the end of the semester are not eligible for the President’s List.

Fall Convocation

At the beginning of the fall semester, a program is held to open the academic year. During the event, some academic awards from academic disciplines, organizations, and/or individuals are presented. In addition, a recipient of the following award is recognized:

St. Catherine Medal: Kappa Gamma Pi, the National Catholic College Graduate Honor Society, offers the St. Catherine Medal to honor a sophomore or junior who represents the high ideals of a Catholic college education. The recipient is selected by the Georgian Court faculty, administration and/or peers, on the basis of leadership and service to Georgian Court.

Honors at Graduation

Departmental Awards: Awards are granted to seniors in recognition of outstanding ability and achievement in their academic program. To qualify for these awards, students must be recommended by appropriate faculty.

The Kingdon Gould Jr. Award: This monetary award is bestowed on the senior, who, by vote of peers, has contributed outstanding service to Georgian Court during the student’s years at Georgian Court.

Kappa Gamma Pi: Kappa Gamma Pi, the National Catholic College Graduate Honor Society, aims to set high standards for the maintenance of Catholic educational ideals. The administration selects students for membership from among the seniors graduating with scholastic distinction, outstanding service, and leadership in accordance with the criteria established by Kappa Gamma Pi.

Other Awards: Other awards presented by departments, individuals, families, organizations, associations, institutions, and other groups are given to seniors who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in various aspects of college life.

Degree Honors: At least 60 credits must be earned at Georgian Court University to be eligible for degree honors. Students in a Georgian Court degree-completion program at a Brookdale location, a Rowan College of South Jersey campus, or an off-campus RN-to-B.S.N. program site must earn at least 48 credits at Georgian Court University in courses graded A–F to be eligible for degree honors. The bachelor’s degree is awarded with honors to students who meet the following minimum requirements: 3.6 cumulative grade point average (CGPA)–cum laude, 3.75 CGPA–magna cum laude and 3.9 CGPA–summa cum laude.

University Honors: Students who have completed the University Honors Program will earn the designation of “University Honors” on their transcripts.

Academic Excellence Award: This award is presented to the member of the senior class who has attained the highest GCU grade point average and completed at least 96 GCU credits graded A–F. Students with one or more reported academic dishonesty violation(s) are ineligible. Should there be a GPA tie, the awardee will be the student who completed the highest number of GCU credits graded A–F. If more than one student has attained the same highest GPA with the same number of A–F graded credits earned at GCU, then each of those students will be recognized.

Graduation Requirements

Georgian Court offers a course of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.), and Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.). Students who are enrolled in more than one bachelor’s degree program simultaneously will earn one bachelor’s degree. Their transcript will list all programs of study that they have completed at the time of graduation. The degree designation (B.A., B.F.A., B.S., B.S.N., or B.S.W.) will be based on the student’s first major. The student will receive one diploma, their name will be listed once in the Commencement program, and the student will be recognized at Commencement only one time. Students who have earned one baccalaureate degree already may return for a second baccalaureate degree (see Admission for a Second Baccalaureate Degree policy). In addition to the special requirements of the basic program and those of the major field, the following general requirements apply:


  1. Every candidate for either the B.A., B.F.A., B.S., B.S.N., or B.S.W. degree must complete a minimum of 120 total credit hours to qualify for graduation.
  2. The expected period of study for students who enter as freshmen is a minimum of four years.
  3. Students are required to take a minimum of 30 credit hours at GCU.  Unless specifically stated otherwise, at least half of the credits required for a major, minor, certificate, or certification program must be earned at GCU. Some programs require that more than half of the credits be earned at GCU.
  4. Generally, undergraduates who are in continuous enrollment at GCU, but do not graduate within the normal four-year time frame, must meet the requirements for graduation as published in the catalog in effect at the time of enrollment at the university or in the program. Exceptions to this policy include students enrolled in a certification or licensure program that changes due to state regulation or accrediting body requirements.
  5. Georgian Court students enrolled in a joint degree program may count, as Georgian Court credits, up to 30 credits taken at the accredited institution affiliated with the joint degree. These credits may not be used to satisfy the 30-credits-at-Georgian-Court requirement but may be used to entirely satisfy the one half-of-the-major-taken-at-Georgian-Court requirement.

Graduation Grade Point Average

  1. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) must be maintained.
  2. Unless otherwise indicated for a specific major, a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 must be maintained in the major field.

Graduation (Completion of Degree) Application

All students must submit an application for graduation (completion of degree) to the Office of the Registrar by the priority due date as published on the registrar office webpage. Receipt of application will result in the preparation of an academic audit. Students must have completed a minimum of 80 total credits in order to submit an application. Students are encouraged to apply two semesters prior to intended completion of degree requirements. Applications are accepted for a limited time after the priority due date and a late fee is applied to any application received once the graduating semester has begun. The audit and degree certification processes take time and attention to detail, therefore no late applications will be processed in the final 6 weeks of the semester. Please refer to the Office of the Registrar’s web page for application deadlines.

Graduation Terms and Participation in the Commencement Ceremony

Graduation is distinct from participation in the Commencement ceremony.  Graduation refers to completion of program requirements.  The university holds a Commencement ceremony in May of each year, at which May graduates and graduates from the preceding August, December and February may participate. With limited exceptions, only students who have completed all requirements for graduation (including all coursework prior to the Commencement ceremony) are eligible to participate in the ceremony. Students who have completed all requirements for graduation except for a few credits should consult the university’s Commencement web page three months prior to Commencement for the current policy regarding participation in ceremony. The conferral of degrees (graduation) takes place in August, December, February (ABSN only), and May.

Request for Transcript

All transcript requests are to be made online. There is a fee per transcript. Transcripts are processed in the order in which they are received within five working days. The Office of the Registrar is not able to issue transcripts immediately upon request. The online request form is available on the Office of the Registrar’s web page at