Bachelor's to Master's Programs

Graduate programs that offer undergraduate students an opportunity to begin taking graduate courses that apply to a graduate degree, or give undergraduate students in the discipline advanced standing (allow them to waive some courses in the program) are given various labels, including advanced admission, 4+1, combined undergraduate/graduate, or bachelor's to master's degree programs.  These programs often allow the graduate courses to count both toward fulfilling the undergraduate degree credit requirements, and toward meeting the graduate program's requirements, saving students both time and money. 

Georgian Court University has several of these types of bachelor's to master's degree programs.  The admission requirements vary, but in all cases students must meet minimum GPA and earned credits requirements.  The description of each advanced admission program and its requirements is given in the graduate program's section of the graduate catalog, except for the M.A.T. options, which are described in the Department of Education section of the undergraduate catalog. Currently eight graduate programs offer this option to undergraduates:

Graduate Program Aligned or Required Undergraduate Program
M.A. Applied Behavior Analysis1 B.A. Psychology or Psychology Minor
M.A. Integrative Health2 any bachelor's degree program
M.A.T. (Master of Arts in Teaching)3 bachelor's degree program content major in this list organized by teaching certification program: early childhood education (P–3), elementary education (K–6), and English as a Second Language (ESL) majors include: biology, chemistry, English, history, interdisciplinary studies, mathematics, natural sciences, psychology, and visual art; Subject-Specific majors include biology, business administration, chemistry, exercise science, English, history, mathematics, and visual art.
MBA (Master of Business Administration)4 B.S. Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, or Sport Management
M.Ed. School Counseling5 any bachelor's degree program
M.S. Integrated Marketing Communication6 any bachelor's degree program
M.S.W. (Master of Social Work)7 B.S.W. (Bachelor of Social Work)

see /graduate/school-arts-sciences/psychology-counseling/psychology-ba-applied-behavior-analysis-ma/


see /graduate/school-nursing-wellness/integrative-health-exercise-science/adv-admission-integr-health-ma/


see /undergraduate/school-education/


see /graduate/school-business-digital-media/business-administration/business-administration-bs-business-administration-mba/


see /graduate/school-education/educational-services-advanced-studies-certificate-masters-degree-programs/school-counseling-programs/adv-adm-school-counseling-ma/


see /graduate/school-business-digital-media/communication-graphic-design-multimedia/advanced-admission-communication-digital-marketing-ms/


see /graduate/school-nursing-wellness/social-work/msw/#admissiontext