Psychology, B.A./Applied Behavior Analysis, M.A.

The Department of Psychology and Counseling offers select undergraduate students either majoring or minoring in psychology at Georgian Court University the opportunity to apply to the M.A. in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) program after completing 60 credits.  Upon acceptance into the M.A. in ABA program, undergraduate students can take up to 12 graduate credits toward the M.A. in ABA. For acceptance, students must:

  • Have completed at least 12 credits of psychology coursework, preferably including PS332 (Psychology of Learning) and PS333 (Introduction to ABA).
  • Complete an Advanced Admission to the M.A. in ABA Application.
  • Have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher and 3.2 or higher in psychology coursework.
  • Students outside the Psychology Scholars Program must provide a letter of recommendation from the Department of Psychology and Counseling faculty attesting to the ability of the student to succeed in the M.A. program. Students in the Psychology Scholars Program must provide an affidavit from the director of the Psychology Scholars Program attesting to their successful progress toward program requirements.
  • Complete an interview with the director of the M.A. in ABA program.  

Students meeting the above criteria may be accepted into the M.A. in ABA program and may take as many as four graduate-level courses while they are still undergraduate students. Acceptance into the M.A. program is conditional upon continued performance at the same level as described above, and graduate coursework must be completed with grades of B- or better.