Health Services

The Health Center

The Health Center at Georgian Court University exists to assist students in maintaining optimal health. Staffed with registered nurses and a part-time physician, we offer free confidential health care to all students at GCU. 

Health Care for GCU Students

In addition to treating minor illnesses and health issues, we aim to educate students on disease prevention and wellness. Through health counseling, screenings, and wellness programs, we are here to help you attain a healthy lifestyle. If you have a more serious health issue that we do not treat, we can refer you to specialists and hospitals for further treatment. Click here (PDF file) to view the GCU Health Services Privacy Notice.

The Health Center Offers the Following Services:

  • treatment of minor illnesses and conditions,
  • interim care of those with chronic illnesses,
  • first aid and care of minor injuries (all injuries should be reported promptly to the Office of Health Services),
  • limited lab testing, and
  • referrals to area hospitals and specialists, as needed.

Student Health Insurance

Georgian Court University does not offer student health insurance. The federal government has established health insurance exchanges that continue to allow families and individuals who need health insurance to compare coverages and related costs among a variety of insurance companies. The Patient Portability and Affordability Care Act (PPACA) also requires employer plans to continue to provide dependent coverage to their employee’s dependents until the age of 26. In addition, Medicaid eligibility has been expanded in many states including New Jersey. Please visit your state’s healthcare exchange to determine if you are eligible for Medicaid coverage.

Students need to determine if they are eligible for dependent coverage under their parent’s health insurance plan and/or access health insurance exchanges in your state. Students are encouraged to visit to learn about health insurance options. However, the debate over the future of the PPACA and U.S. health care reform continues.

International Students:

It is Georgian Court University’s policy that all international students maintain health insurance coverage while attending GCU. As an international student, it is your responsibility to enroll in a health insurance plan that will cover the costs of prescriptions and medical treatment(s) while studying in the United States. While many countries bear the expense of health insurance for their residents, individuals in the United States are responsible for these expenses themselves. All international students are required to have health care coverage that can be utilized in the United States while studying at GCU, thus potentially mitigating some of the costs associated with health care-related expenses.

Student Immunization & Document Requirements

All students are required to submit online health forms and provide documentation of immunizations. Please note that the Fall semester deadline is May 15th and Spring semester deadline is December 15th.

Click here to complete your health forms via the student health portal.

Failure to comply will result in a hold on your account resulting in the inability to register for future classes.

Georgian Court University Requires the Following:

  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR): Two doses: First dose given after 1968 and on or after 12 months of age; second dose separated at least by 28 days from the first dose or laboratory report indicating positive immunity.
  • Hepatitis B: (Full-Time Undergraduate and Graduate Students Taking 9 or More Credits): Three doses of vaccine (two doses of adult vaccine in adolescents 11 to 15 years of age)/or laboratory report indicating positive immunity.
  • Meningococcal (must include Groups A, C, Y, & W-135): Requirement for all first time students under the age of 19 (Commuters and Residents) and Resident Students over the age of 19. Meningococcal Meningitis vaccine given on or after 16th birthday. Booster dose required if given prior to 16th birthday.
  • Verification of a negative Tuberculosis (Mantoux) test or Quantiferon Gold-TB test is required of all resident students performed within 6 months PRIOR to move-in date. International commuter students must submit results from testing within 6 months prior to the start of classes. 

Georgian Court University Highly Recommends the Following Immunizations:

  • COVID-19 Vaccination Completed Series and updated (bivalent) booster.
  • Meningococcal B (Men B): You may still be at risk for group B, which causes 60% of the meningitis cases of young adults in the United States under the age of 25. Therefore, to help ensure that you are protected against meningococcal disease, it is important that you contact your health care provider to discuss vaccination against meningitis group B. Here are some facts to help you better understand meningitis:
    • Risk: Meningococcal disease is spread through close contact with an infected person or prolonged close contact with respiratory secretions. College students are at an increased risk for meningococcal disease, compared with the general population, because of their close-quarter living, learning, and social environments. Certain lifestyle factors such as bar patronage, active or passive smoking, kissing, sneezing, coughing, and sharing of personal items (cups, utensils, toothbrushes, cigarettes, lipsticks, water bottles) increase the risk of contracting the disease. Almost one in four adults are carriers of the bacteria and show no symptoms but can still potentially spread the infection to others, making it difficult to predict who will show signs of the disease.
    • Seriousness: Meningococcal disease progresses very rapidly and can cause life-threatening complications within 24 hours. If not treated early, 10% of meningococcal disease cases result in death and 60% of patients experience permanent, significant physical and/or mental disabilities such as brain damage, loss of hearing, or amputation of limbs. Meningococcal disease can be easily misdiagnosed because early symptoms often resemble the flu. Later symptoms can include high fever, headache, stiff neck, rash, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, and confusion.
    • Prevention: Vaccination is the best way to help prevent meningococcal disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College Health Association. There are five common types of bacteria that cause meningitis in the US: A, C, Y, W and B. Until 2014, there were no vaccines to help protect against meningococcal group B.
  • TDAP—Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis: 1 dose given after 2005 and a tetanus booster (td) every 10 years.
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox): 2 doses.

More information about meningococcal disease is available on the CDC Prevention website or the New Jersey Department of Health website.  

Becoming a Resident Student if You Were a Commuter

Commuter students who would like to become resident students MUST provide additional immunization information to Health Services prior to moving into the residence halls. Commuters who wish to be residents must provide proof of meningitis vaccine given on/after 16th birthday, and must include Groups A, C, Y, and W-135, as well as TB testing, which was completed no earlier than 6 months prior to move-in date. Each student must be cleared by Health Services before moving into the dorms, and Health Services clearance includes several steps. You may upload documentation via the student health portal. If you have questions, please contact Health Services at 732-987-2756.