Admission Procedures for First-Year (First Time in College) Students

Visit to apply. Georgian Court accepts applications on a rolling basis; applicants are considered for admission as soon as their application files are completed.  Priority deadlines are November 1, January 1, and March 1.

  1. Official transcripts from secondary and post-secondary institutions must be submitted directly to the Office of Admissions. Transcripts from home schools should be self-certified for submission.  Official GED or HiSET records are accepted in place of secondary transcripts showing secondary school graduation.
  2. Test score reports (ACT or SAT) are optional. If submitted, they must be submitted through official channels directly to the Office of Admissions. The College Board code number for Georgian Court is 2274, and the ACT code number is 2562.
  3. An interview with the Office of Admissions staff may be required to complete the application process. Determination of this interview will take place once all required documents are received by the Office of Admissions, which will notify the student if an interview is necessary.
  4. A student who receives an offer of admission must signify acceptance by sending a $250 nonrefundable deposit. The deposit priority deadline is May 1 for the fall semester and January 1 for the spring semester. Residence facilities are available for full-time matriculating students. Payment of the deposit will begin the enrollment procedures.

Student Immunization & Document Requirements

All students are required to complete a Student Health Form and provide documentation of immunizations before attending class and/or moving into residence halls. Click here to complete your health forms via the student health portal.

Failure to comply will result in a hold on your account and inability to register for future classes.

Georgian Court University Requires the Following:

  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR): Two doses: First dose given after 1968 and on or after 12 months of age; second dose separated at least by 28 days from the first dose or laboratory report indicating positive immunity.
  • Hepatitis B: (Full-Time Undergraduate and Graduate Students Taking 9 or More Credits): Three doses of vaccine (two doses of adult vaccine in adolescents 11 to 15 years of age)/or laboratory report indicating positive immunity.
  • Meningococcal (must include Groups A, C, Y, & W-135): Requirement for all first-time students under the age of 19 (Commuters and Residents) and Resident Students over the age of 19. Meningococcal Meningitis vaccine given on or after 16th birthday. Booster dose required if given prior to 16th birthday.
  • Verification of a negative Tuberculosis (Mantoux) test or Quantiferon Gold-TB test is required of all resident students performed within 6 months PRIOR to move-in date. International commuter students must submit results from testing within 6 months prior to the start of classes. 

Advanced Placement and Credit

A student who has taken one or more advanced placement courses in secondary school may be eligible for advanced placement and college credit. A score of three or higher in the Advanced Placement Tests of the College Board is required to receive college credit. The number of credits (3, 4, 6 or 8 credits) will be determined by the type of Advanced Placement Test(s) taken by the student.

Georgian Court accepts a total of 30 Advanced Placement credits toward a degree. Credit will be given only if credit has not already been awarded or earned for the related course content. An official score report is required to award credit. Candidates may contact AP Services by telephone at 888-call-4AP or at Refer to Table II-A for credit awarded for each test.

International Baccalaureate Program & Credit

GCU offers up to 30 credits (sophomore equivalent standing) to all incoming students who have received an International Baccalaureate Program Diploma with a score of 30 or better, with no individual standard level exam scores lower than 5 and/or no higher level exam scores lower than 4. Credit is awarded on an exam by exam basis, up to a maximum of 30 credits.  Refer to Table II-B for credit awarded for each exam.