Admission of Students Participating in Dual Degree/Joint Admission & Program-to-Program Agreements with Community Colleges

Georgian Court University is a full participant in the NJ Transfer initiative (, which students should refer to for course-by-course equivalencies between Georgian Court University and the community colleges within the state of New Jersey.

In addition, GCU has signed dual degree/joint admission agreements with some community colleges that facilitate transfer to GCU for associate degree holders through benefits such as special tuition discounts, careful guidance in course selection, and recommended community college associate degree pathways to increase the likelihood that students will be able to complete the GCU bachelor’s degree program in two years. More details and a listing of the recommended associate degree pathways are available in the GCU Office of Admissions.

GCU also has some detailed course-by-course, program-to-program articulation agreements with community colleges. These articulation agreements are designed to assist students who wish to transfer into the Georgian Court University bachelor’s degree programs listed in the second column of Table II-F after successfully completing the associate degree programs listed in the first column. Refer to Table II-F for a list of community college program-to-program articulation agreements. Georgian Court University agrees to accept, in transfer, credit for all of the courses identified in the Transfer Curricula for each of the community college degree programs listed in Table II-F. The Transfer Curricula are available in the GCU Office of Admissions.

Students participating in a dual degree/joint admission agreement or program-to-program agreement will be guaranteed admission to the GCU program of their choice if they satisfy the GPA and any other special admission requirements as outlined in the GCU catalog. It is the responsibility of the student to provide Georgian Court University with a final, official community college transcript that lists all courses completed and states that an associate degree has been awarded.

Community college students participating in one of these programs will complete the Georgian Court University transfer application by the regular deadlines of August 1 for the fall semester and January 1 for the spring semester, although students are strongly encouraged to apply at least four months before the intended semester of enrollment. The Georgian Court University application fee will be waived.

Student Immunization & Document Requirements

All students are required to complete a Student Health Form and provide documentation of immunizations before attending class and/or moving into residence halls. Click here to complete your health forms via the student health portal.

Failure to comply will result in a hold on your account and inability to register for future classes.

Georgian Court University Requires the Following:

  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR): Two doses: First dose given after 1968 and on or after 12 months of age; second dose separated at least by 28 days from the first dose or laboratory report indicating positive immunity.
  • Hepatitis B: (Full-Time Undergraduate and Graduate Students Taking 9 or More Credits): Three doses of vaccine (two doses of adult vaccine in adolescents 11 to 15 years of age)/or laboratory report indicating positive immunity.
  • Meningococcal (must include Groups A, C, Y, & W-135): Requirement for all first-time students under the age of 19 (Commuters and Residents) and Resident Students over the age of 19. Meningococcal Meningitis vaccine given on or after 16th birthday. Booster dose required if given prior to 16th birthday.
  • Verification of a negative Tuberculosis (Mantoux) test or Quantiferon Gold-TB test is required of all resident students performed within 6 months PRIOR to move-in date. International commuter students must submit results from testing within 6 months prior to the start of classes. 

Table II-F: Community College Program-to-Program Articulation Agreements

College Program Georgian Court University Degree Program
Brookdale Community College Degree Program A.S. in Business Administration B.S. in Business Administration
A.A. in Education Program, Elementary option B.A. in English, Psychology, or Interdisciplinary Studies Major and Teacher Certification: Elementary Education (K–6) with Teacher of Students with Disabilities Endorsement
A.A. in Humanities, Creative Writing or English options B.A. in English
A.A. in Humanities, Liberal Education option B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies
A.A. in Social Sciences; A.S. in Human Services B.S.W. (Bachelor of Social Work)
A.A. in Social Sciences, Health Science Option; A.A.S. in Radiologic Technology; A.A.S. in Respiratory Care B.A. in Health Profession Studies
A.A. in Social Sciences, Psychology option B.A. in Psychology
A.A.S. in Nursing RN to B.S.N. (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)