Criminal Justice (CJ)

CJ110  Writing in Criminal Justice  (1.0 Credits)  

This course develops the fundamental skills necessary to write academic essays, reports, and papers in the field of criminal justice and the social sciences. It familiarizes students with the importance of writing clearly and concisely. This course is designed to assist students in learning how to interpret and paraphrase the ideas, concepts, and findings of authors’ works and how to properly cite using APA style. It also familiarizes students with the different types of plagiarism and instructs students how to write ethically.

CJ111  The Criminal Justice System  (3.0 Credits)  

An in-depth analysis from the initial police-citizen contact to the final resolution of the encounter. Specific areas to be covered include stop and search, the arrest process, processing of the offender, bail, interrogation, arraignment, plea-bargaining, trial, and post-conviction activity. The course will concentrate on the social aspects of both the people and the procedures involved. Offered as needed.

CJ167  Race, Ethnicity & Criminal Justice  (3.0 Credits)  

This course is an in-depth examination of race and social inequality in the context of the criminal justice system. The content of the course seeks to answer the question: Is the system racist? The course, therefore, places an emphasis on the treatment of racial and ethnic minorities as victims and offenders by law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Students are introduced to criminological research, legislation, legal decisions, and other developments and contributions to the topic of racial/ethnic disparity and discrimination in the United States.

CJ200  Theories of Crime  (3.0 Credits)  

Crime and delinquency as a social phenomenon. The nature and extent of crime and delinquency in the United States, a review of the most popular theories of crime causation and the social factors that influence its existence from early biological theories to modern social-cultural theories, specific factors of gender, race, social class, etc., are discussed in detail. This course is cross-listed with SO200.

Prerequisite(s): CJ111 and SO101, or permission of instructor.

CJ202  Social and Crime Statistics  (3.0 Credits)  

An introductory course in statistical methods of data analysis relevant to the social sciences, intended to develop students as informed and critical consumers of social science research with an emphasis on application to criminological and sociological issues. MA103 prepares students for this course, and students are strongly advised to take MA103 to fulfill their Bridge General Education requirement for quantitative analysis. This course is cross-listed with SO201.

Pre/corequisite(s): CJ200 or SO200, and a quantitative analysis course: MA103, MA106, MA109, MA110, MA115, or equivalent, or permission of instructor.

CJ210  Introduction to Law Enforcement  (3.0 Credits)  

An introduction to law enforcement practices in the United States. Specific areas covered are an analysis of the police and their roles and functions. Included are the roles of crime prevention, order maintenance, service, law enforcer, and community policing. Emphasis is placed on the role of law enforcement personnel in the community as a social phenomenon.

Prerequisite(s): CJ111, SO101, or permission of instructor.

CJ212  Introduction to Corrections  (3.0 Credits)  

An analysis of the correctional processing of criminals in the United States. Areas covered include the philosophy of punishment, the early history of corrections, a history of corrections in America, types of correctional facilities, alternative correctional procedures, including probation and community correction programs. Offered as needed.

Prerequisite(s): CJ111 and SO101, or permission of instructor.

CJ213  Criminal Law & Practice  (3.0 Credits)  

An in-depth examination of criminal law and its practice in the United States. The course will cover purposes of criminal law and principles that govern the criminal law, sources of law, elements of crime, and several offenses and defenses. Offered as needed.

Prerequisite(s): CJ111 or permission of instructor.

CJ221  Introduction to Forensic Science  (3.0 Credits)  

An introduction to the rapidly growing field of forensic investigation in the criminal justice system. It will cover many aspects of forensic evidence collection and analysis with some hands-on applications. The course offers basic forensic techniques as practiced in law enforcement and related agencies. An advanced course in forensics with laboratory analysis is offered periodically.

Prerequisite(s): CJ111 and CJ213.

CJ231  Juvenile Justice  (3.0 Credits)  

An introduction to the field of juvenile justice from its historical roots to present-day activities and operation. The philosophical and legal differences from the adult criminal justice system will be explored and analyzed from a behavioral perspective. An examination of the organization and dynamics of the system as well as the role of professionals in allied organizations will be considered. An emphasis will be placed on alternative solutions to juvenile misbehavior and future trends in the system.

Prerequisite(s): CJ111.

CJ233  Criminal Justice Internship Exploration  (1.0 Credits)  

CJ233 Internship Exploration is a course which will initiate the Criminal Justice Internship. The student will emerge from CJ233 Internship Exploration with a personal priority listing for an internship. The student will have acquired the contact and application information. In addition, the student will have begun to develop the tools (a letter of introduction, a résumé, a portfolio, interview training, “My Ten Points,” and more) for an internship. The same tools will continue to be improved for the career search. During this course, students will be critiqued by the director of criminal justice internships and learn from each other (e.g., other students’ experiences and advice). Recommended for sophomores.

Prerequisite(s): Open to criminal justice majors and minors only, and permission from instructor required.

CJ301  Cyber Security & GIS  (3.0 Credits)  

This course will introduce the student to the historical evolution of crime analysis in the criminal justice system and the use of mapping and geography. Explore the use of geographic information systems (GIS) in crime analysis including cyber security, predictive policing, deployment of resources, and offender management. Learn to use GIS software (ESRI ArcINFO) to create and use maps, compile geographic data, analyze mapped information, and query spatial data.

Prerequisite(s): CS105, CS111, or CS123

CJ302  Cyber Crime  (3.0 Credits)  

This course is designed to provide upper-level (junior or senior) students with specialized knowledge regarding the use of computers, information technology, and/or virtual realities to further criminal and/or deviant objectives. Students will learn about the evolution of information technology and its relationship to criminal enterprise, focusing on major data crimes with an emphasis on social media, personal financial information, and medical data. Governmental responses to cyber crime (e.g., laws, policies) and operational countermeasures will be discussed.

Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior status.

CJ313  Constitutional Law  (3.0 Credits)  

This course considers the role of the U.S. Constitution within the U.S. legal system, with a particular emphasis on its relationship to criminal justice. We cover history, legal skills, and principles that govern constitutional law and then focus on Equal Protection under the U.S. Constitution. The course explores interpretation and evaluation of the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments. In regard to each of these, we seek a firm understanding of constitutional law and relevant theory in addition to comprehension of the social context of the law. Topical issues and contemporary debates will be covered throughout the semester with a focus on knowledge, application, and evaluation of the law. This course is cross-listed with PO313.

Prerequisite(s): CJ111 and CJ213, or permission of instructor.

CJ320  Special Populations in the CJ System  (3.0 Credits)  

This course is a critical examination of the relationship between the criminal system and mental health systems and covers a wide range of special populations as victims/offenders/witnesses. The focus of special populations will include juveniles, those with intellectual or other neurodevelopmental disabilities, and mental illness. This course will cover the entire criminal justice process for those with special needs, from initial contact, police questioning, the court system, and correctional/forensic mental health systems. Topics will include the capacity to waive Miranda rights, standards of legal competence and capacity, competency to stand trial, admissibility of expert testimony, mental health defenses, psychological assessments, recidivism risk assessments, ethical issues, and death penalty cases. Pre/

Corequisite(s): CJ200/SO200 or PS214, or permission of instructor.

CJ325  Gender & Crime  (3.0 Credits)  

The role of gender in the criminal justice system is explored. The course will focus on women as victims, offenders, and in career roles in the system itself. An analysis of the changing roles of men and women in society, new legal and cultural perspectives, and contemporary gender issues in the context of crime and justice will also be examined. This course is cross-listed with WS325.

Prerequisite(s): CJ111.

CJ331  Research Methods in Criminal Justice  (3.0 Credits)  

An introduction to methodology employed in social science research with emphasis on techniques appropriate to the field of criminal justice. The course will include the selection of research questions, hypotheses and definitions, research design, the gathering and analysis of data, drawing conclusions and presentation of findings. Students will write a full research proposal to demonstrate learned skills.

Prerequisite(s): SO201 and CJ200.

CJ333  Internship in Criminal Justice  (3.0 Credits)  

This course provides credit for internship or fieldwork experience carried out during an academic term under guidelines established by the department in criminal justice or related activity. For 3 credits, students must complete at least 112 hours (average eight hours per week), at least 37 hours for 1 credit, at least 75 hours for 2 credits in direct agency involvement. Students will be required to keep a weekly log of their hours and their activities and submit it to their site supervisor and course instructor. Students must also complete an evaluation form and must also be evaluated by their site supervisor. This course may be repeated for 1-3 credits, depending on the number of internship placement hours (about 37-40 per credit), for a maximum of 6 total credits. This course is graded Pass/Fail and satisfies an experiential learning requirement.

Prerequisite(s): junior or senior status, and permission of instructor.

CJ343  Criminal Investigation  (3.0 Credits)  

This course explores the nature and process of criminal investigation. It will include a theoretical framework as well as the practical application of techniques employed to conduct a competent investigation. The role of the investigator as first responder, the collection of evidence, note taking and report writing, and the gathering of information from witnesses, victims and suspects will be explored. The organization of investigative findings, court preparation and testifying in criminal trials will be examined. The public information role of investigators will also be discussed.

Prerequisite(s): CJ213.

CJ351  Comparative Criminal Justice Systems  (3.0 Credits)  

An analysis of criminal justice systems cross-culturally. Global and International aspects are involved. The course will examine the legal basis, organizational structure and application of criminal justice practices in various parts of the world. Topical areas will begin with systems somewhat comparable to ours, i.e., Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, and Western Europe. The course also includes selected examination of criminal justice tradition and practices in authoritarian, third world and emerging nations. The role of culture and custom, political and religious ideologies is included.

Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior status, and CJ111 or permission of instructor.

CJ353  Victimology  (3.0 Credits)  

An examination of the criminal justice system as it deals with the victim. Included is an analysis of the types of victimization, unwilling and willing participants and the offender as victim. Also to be explored is the concept of group victimization; the larger society and subcultures. The social, legal and psychological impact of victimization, victim’s rights and services, compensation and techniques of victim avoidance will be examined. The role of the victim in the criminal justice process; impact statements, participation in plea-bargaining and sentencing will be discussed.

Prerequisite(s): CJ200/SO200.

CJ355  Political Crimes & Terrorism  (3.0 Credits)  

This course will analyze the concepts of political criminality and terrorism. It will cover both the international and domestic activities of those who use terror as a political weapon. Included will be an examination of radical terrorist groups from both left and right. State-sponsored terrorism, death squads, citizen subjugation and genocide will also be explored. Homegrown activities within our society are included with a goal toward developing strategies for prevention and control.

Pre/corequisite(s): CJ200/SO200 or permission of instuctor.

CJ365  International Human Rights Law  (3.0 Credits)  

This course explores the substance of international human rights in addition to theoretical and political considerations relevant to the subject. Students cover the concept of human rights and ethical issues related to use of human rights law, the structure of international and regional human rights protection and systems, sources of international human rights, and application at the international and domestic levels. Intended for juniors and seniors.

CJ375  Global Justice & Law  (3.0 Credits)  

This course covers global efforts to provide accountability for human rights abuses through various mechanisms (including courts and truth commissions), particularly after a country has experienced conflict or authoritarian rule. The course introduces fundamental themes of global justice and the relatively new field of transitional justice, addressing central debates surrounding efforts to end impunity, recognize the suffering of victims of conflict, and confront the past as a means to avoid repetition. Complex conceptual questions will be raised related to the themes of justice, truth, victimization, reparation, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Intended for juniors and seniors.

CJ398  Selected Topics in Criminal Justice  (3.0 Credits)  

This course will offer in-depth analysis of various aspects of criminal justice. Different topical areas will be selected each time offered. Offered as needed.

Prerequisite(s): CJ111 or permission of instructor.

CJ401  Sex Crimes  (3.0 Credits)  

This course will cover a wide range of deviant sexual behaviors and sex crimes, including voyeurism, exhibitionism, rape, child sexual abuse, and others. This course will cover the typology of and analysis of sex crimes, and the typology of sex offenders. This course will also explore the history, myths, and current practices the criminal justice system employs to address sex offenses and sex offenders, and attempted treatments. Intended for juniors and seniors.

Prerequisite(s): CJ200 or permission of instructor.

CJ404  Gun Crime  (3.0 Credits)  

This course will cover existing research on guns, crime, and gun control in the United States. Students will examine existing knowledge on related issues such as gun ownership, the supply of guns, mass shootings, suicide, justifiable homicides, domestic violence, and accidental firearm death. Students will explore evidence-based solutions to the issue of firearm violence. Intended for juniors and seniors.

Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior status.

CJ410  Independent Research in Criminal Justice  (1.0 Credits)  

Students work under the supervision of a faculty member to assist in faculty research or students will develop and conduct an independent research project under the supervision of a faculty member. Students may register and receive 1–3 credits more than once; may not exceed a total of 6 credits. Offered on application.

Prerequisite(s): CJ331 and permission of instructor.

CJ435  Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice  (3.0 Credits)  

An analysis of ethical and moral issues in the criminal justice system. The roots of philosophical policy; evolution and modification; influences of economic, cultural, and political factors; and some major dilemmas in today’s world. The ethical decisions affecting law enforcement, corrections, and criminal processing will be discussed. Specific contemporary issues will be addressed, such as gun control, racial and gender bias, citizen rights, use of force, vehicle pursuit, interrogation, treatment of prisoners, etc.

Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior status.

CJ495  Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice  (3.0 Credits)  

This course fulfills the college requirement for a senior experience. The course will cover a variety of topics initiated by the instructor and/or the students into areas that may not have been presented in other courses. Extensive, independent senior level student research; research paper required class presentation. Offered as needed.

Prerequisite(s): CJ331 or permission of instructor.