Graphic Design (GD)

GD111  Introduction to Design  (3.0 Credits)  

Study visual arts and design with a focus on understanding the elements and principles of layout and composition. Gain an overview of graphic design, multimedia, and technology through a survey of graphic design history as it relates to design practices. Get hands-on practice through projects and applications. 4 hours studio.

GD112  Drawing for Designers  (3.0 Credits)  

This course will explore the role of drawing as a basic tool for designers. Emphasis will be on creative ideation, problem solving, notation, documentation of empirical observations and creative imaging. Students will develop important skills as they become fluent and flexible visualizers through traditional and nontraditional drawing techniques. 4 hours studio.

GD113  Computer Graphics  (3.0 Credits)  

Use of the Macintosh computer laboratory to develop expertise in Adobe Creative Suite with emphasis on the integration of Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, combined with scanning and printing applications for print and Web media. Design a variety of projects demonstrating acquisition of professional-level skills. This course serves as a foundation for graphic design & multimedia, and art majors and is applicable to communication majors and other disciplines.

GD114  Graphic Design I  (3.0 Credits)  

Explore visual problem solving using symbols and images to communicate concepts and ideas. Introduction to Adobe InDesign. Emphasis on conceptual development using traditional and computer visualization skills applied to print and Web. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD113.

GD212  Illustration for Designers  (3.0 Credits)  

This course addresses practical illustration and innovative manual and digital drawing skills to explore unique approaches to creative design in various materials and techniques. Assignments equally emphasize traditional and electronic methods of illustration, and explore different approaches to creating artworks for print and electronic media. Areas of application include but are not limited to conceptual art, editorial illustration, serial art, narratives, websites, animation, character development, storyboarding, comics, books, and advertising. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD112 and GD113.

GD213  Typography I  (3.0 Credits)  

Examine the principles of typography through a series of structured investigations. Emphasis on basic letterforms and the origins and use of typography. Computer used for finished projects. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD114.

GD214  Graphic Design II  (3.0 Credits)  

Explore advanced problems in layout and design. Application to related areas such as corporate identity, package design, branding, typology and marketing. Emphasis on execution, production, and industry standards. Use of Adobe Creative Suite. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD114.

GD220  Digital Photography  (3.0 Credits)  

Study the operation and use of professional digital cameras. Review effective use and control of both natural and artificial light; basic flash techniques, and image editing with Adobe Photoshop. 4 hours studio.

GD225  Packaging & Pattern Design  (3.0 Credits)  

In this course, students will learn how to design three dimensional packages for a wide variety of projects. In parallel, they will use elements of form, text, color, texture, and pattern, including geometrical repeats to create attractive layouts and labels for packages, making products stand out on a store’s crowded shelf. Various craft techniques as well as Adobe Creative Suite are used in a studio environment. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD114.

GD226  Video & Sound Editing I  (3.0 Credits)  

Learn to apply the skills necessary to manipulate video and sound and consistently synchronize the two. Using Adobe Premiere Pro, learn techniques necessary to edit video clips for commercial, narrative, or experimental projects. Gain a thorough understanding of the role of editor, beginning with a detailed analysis of each assignment. Capture, edit, and modify, high-definition video to create short exercises and achieve a final, 10-minite captivating video clip. Review camera techniques and lighting, as well as various editing techniques and effects. Use Adobe Audition to edit sound clips and use them in conjunction with video clips. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD113.

GD314  Graphic Design III  (3.0 Credits)  

This course communicates advanced solutions in print, packaging, motion, web, interactivity, 3D animation, video, and product marketing. Graphic Design III is a platform for the evolution and refinement of information conveyed in Graphic Design I and II, as well as other practices in the field. Increasingly complex projects will allow students to employ more sophisticated methods of research, thinking, and manifestation of assignment deliverables. Student-generated projects aligned to their individual interests or in collaboration with work in other classes are encouraged. Based on a theme given by the instructor or chosen by the students, they must develop their own content and generate their own workflow, to achieve outstanding marketing results, by making use of their capacities of decision making to the highest extent. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD214.

GD322  Web Design I  (3.0 Credits)  

Introduction to web design and development using HTML and Adobe Dreamweaver. Students will learn how to create a fully functional interactive website through concrete understanding of the HTML scripting language as well as the use of the Dreamweaver web design software. In addition, principles and methods of web interface design and navigation, flowchart creation, file organization, and image editing for the web will be explored. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD113.

GD324  Typography II  (3.0 Credits)  

This course explores typographic form and function literacy at an advanced level. Discussions include a dynamic relationship between content, form, and context to gain a deeper understanding of typography systems through experimentation. The class considers both print-based and screen-based media. Projects include information design, book, magazine, brochures, posters, motion typography, title sequence design, and interactive information graphics. The role of HCI in interactive type on screen will be discussed along with factors affecting legibility, composition, visual hierarchy, and semantics. Topics may vary per course offering. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD114.

GD327  Motion Graphics I  (3.0 Credits)  

Get hands-on practice, technical skills, and theoretical knowledge in creating two dimensional animations. Introduces the process of storyboarding to visualize ideas on paper. Work in Adobe After Effects to create appropriate key frames and in-between frames to finalize a frame-by-frame animation. Explore concepts of timing, spacing, composition, and easing, as well as various special effects and rendering techniques.

Prerequisite(s): GD111 or GD112, and GD113.

GD328  3D Animation I  (3.0 Credits)  

Investigate the fundamentals of creating three dimensional digital models and animating models in a three dimensional virtual space through practical application and theoretical discussion Learn and apply the principles of polygonal and NURBS modeling, texturing, timing, pacing, lighting, particle systems, and rendering. Software used: Autodesk Maya. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD113.

GD422  Web Design II  (3.0 Credits)  

This course focuses on techniques on interactivity and accessibility for the web. Students will work with WordPress and Adobe Animate to combine text, images, multimedia, and plugins to create an engaging CMS-based website. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD322.

GD428  3D Animation II  (3.0 Credits)  

Building on the skills acquired in 3D Animation I, gain a more in-depth knowledge of the terminology, development tools, and advanced skills necessary to create sophisticated 3D animations. Emphasis on 3D character modeling and animation. Explore techniques of rigging and kinematics, as well as multiple complex animation methods. Software used: Autodesk Maya and Autodesk Mudbox. 4 hours studio.

Prerequisite(s): GD328.

GD429  Internship  (3.0 Credits)  

Work in an ad agency, museum, or other appropriate professional situation. A weekly record of student accomplishment is required, as well as scheduled meetings with advisor. 120 hours for 3 credits; 140 hours for 4 credits. This course may be offered for 0-6 credits and is repeatable for additional credit.

Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior status in the major

GD430  Professional Practices  (3.0 Credits)  

A capstone course taken in the last year of the B.F.A./B.A. in Graphic Design and Multimedia. Gain a pragmatic understanding of professional practices, including portfolio preparation, production methods and presentation techniques. Design projects to implement strategies of branding and visual communication, and skills in print and web media. Prepare for the final Senior Portfolio Presentation required of all B.F.A. candidates.

Prerequisite(s): GD314 or MM314.

GD435  Summer Internship  (1.0 Credits)  

Student works on an Internship in the graphic design discipline. The professional setting must meet the guidelines of the associated internship requirement of GD429 and be approved by the program director prior to class. It can be taken alone or in combination with GD429 in the fall semester. Offered only in Summer Session.

GD440  Special Topics I  (3.0 Credits)  

Study of selected topics in print, Web, and multimedia technologies. Topics will be relevant to current issues in concept and practice, and help students gain a broader analytical perspective of the field. Guided by a member of the department, student will work on a jointly selected major project. Maximum of 6 credits. This course is cross-listed with MM440.

Prerequisite(s): Junior class standing or above.

GD441  Special Topics II  (3.0 Credits)  

Study of selected topics in print, Web, and multimedia technologies. Topics will be relevant to current issues in concept and practice, and help students gain a broader analytical perspective of the field. Guided by a member of the department, student will work on a jointly selected major project. Maximum of 6 credits. This course is cross-listed with MM441.

Prerequisite(s): Junior class standing or above.

GD445  Advanced Studio I  (3.0 Credits)  

Advanced study in an area that student has previously taken from the list of graphic design and multimedia courses. With the approval of the instructor, student should plan to meet with the regularly scheduled course in that area or by arrangement. Maximum of 6 credits. This course is cross-listed with MM445.

Prerequisite(s): Junior class standing or above.

GD446  Advanced Studio II  (3.0 Credits)  

Advanced study in an area that student has previously taken from the list of graphic design and multimedia courses. With the approval of the instructor, student should plan to meet with the regularly scheduled course in that area or by arrangement. Maximum of 6 credits. This course is cross-listed with MM446.

Prerequisite(s): Junior class standing or above.