Health & Physical Education (HPE)

HPE260  Motor Development, Learning & Teaching  (3.0 Credits)  

This course provides foundational knowledge of lifespan motor development and learning. Based on this foundation, teaching strategies for all ages including early childhood will be discussed. This course is cross-listed with ES260.

Prerequisite(s): ES111.

HPE280  Substance Use Abuse  (1.0 Credits)  

This course examines current substance use in the United States as well as the physical, psychological, and societal impacts of substance abuse in the U.S. population. The learners will prepare teaching modules on substance use and abuse, including making healthier behavior choices, for elementary, middle, and high school levels. This course is cross-listed with ES280.

HPE281  Sexuality and Health  (1.0 Credits)  

This course explores the effects of personal experience, development, family influence, values, and societal influence on a person’s sexuality. To that end, students will examine the current scholarly literature as well as media content on sexuality and health. Topics include anatomy and physiology, birth control, sexually transmitted infections, sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity, healthy relationship, pregnancy and childbirth, sexual assault, sexual behaviors, and sexuality in media. The learners will prepare grade-level appropriate teaching modules on sexuality and health for elementary, middle, and high school levels. This course is cross-listed with ES281.

HPE310  Adaptive Physical Education  (3.0 Credits)  

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to design, implement and evaluate physical activity programs for individuals with disabilities. The course covers the principles of organization and assessment, individualized education plans, instructional and behavior management strategies, and a variety of physical, intellectual, and behavioral disabilities.

Prerequisite(s): HPE260.

HPE355  Methods of Secondary Health & Phys.Ed.  (3.0 Credits)  

Students will learn methods of teaching secondary health and physical education, including characteristics of secondary school student assessment, grading, teaching lifetime activities, and effective teaching techniques in the classroom, gym, and outdoors. Students will gain teaching experiences through peer teaching and observation in schools outside the university. This course is cross-listed with ES355.

Prerequisite(s): HPE260/ES260.