Political Science (PO)

PO211  American National Government  (3.0 Credits)  

Course materials present politics as a value allocation process constrained by the institutions and processes of American government. Major topics include the institutions of the federal government, civil liberties and civil rights, and elections. Particular focus is directed toward specific issues and problems at the discretion of the instructor and as the electoral and political cycles warrant. Course credit may be applied to the American Studies minor and the Politics, Law, and History minor.

PO221  State & Local Government in America  (3.0 Credits)  

This course examines politics at the state and local level, with a focus on New Jersey. The course covers general problems of federalism and specific issues drawn from a variety of topics including, but not limited to, law enforcement, taxation, local development/land use, and local election campaigns. Course credit may be applied to the American Studies minor and the Politics, Law, and History minor.

PO233  Modern Political Thought  (3.0 Credits)  

This course surveys political thought from the Renaissance to the present. Students will read and discuss major political thinkers and evolving articulations of liberalism, conservatism, utilitarianism, republicanism, Marxism, socialism, anarchism, fascism, and other political ideas. Feminist, religious, and environmentalist contributions to contemporary political debate will be explored.

PO250  International Relations  (3.0 Credits)  

This course surveys major theories, concepts, issues, and events in international relations. Topics include international relations theories; international organizations; international law; global war, peace, and security; terrorism and counterterrorism; international political economy; human rights; migration, global health; the environment; and past and current issues and challenges in world politics. Students will explore case studies and current issues and conflicts in the global arena.

PO313  Constitutional Law  (3.0 Credits)  

This course considers the role of the U.S. Constitution within the U.S. legal system, with a particular emphasis on its relationship to criminal justice. We cover history, legal skills, and principles that govern constitutional law and then focus on Equal Protection under the U.S. Constitution. The course explores interpretation and evaluation of the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments. In regard to each of these, we seek a firm understanding of constitutional law and relevant theory in addition to comprehension of the social context of the law. Topical issues and contemporary debates will be covered throughout the semester with a focus on knowledge, application, and evaluation of the law.

Prerequisite(s): CJ111 and CJ213, or permission of instructor.

PO355  Political Crimes & Terrorism  (3.0 Credits)  

This course will analyze the concepts of political criminality and terrorism. It will cover both the international and domestic activities of those who use terror as a political weapon. Included will be an examination of radical terrorist groups from both left and right. State-sponsored terrorism, death squads, citizen subjugation and genocide will also be explored. Homegrown activities within our society are included with a goal toward developing strategies for prevention and control.

Pre/corequisite(s): CJ200/SO200 or permission of instuctor.

PO470  Internship in Political Science  (3.0 Credits)  

tudents will complete this internship in a policy-making, legislative, campaign, constituency, or interest group setting. In addition to performing tasks assigned by their onsite supervisor, students will keep a daily journal, write a reflection paper, and complete a research project related to the internship. May be taken for 1-12 credits at a time and may be repeated up to a maximum of 12 credits, with a maximum of 3 credits of Internship applied toward the required 36 credits in political science. For 1 credit, complete 40 hours onsite.

Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing, 12 credits of political science, and permission of the instructor.