Marketing (MK)

MK241  Principles of Marketing  (3.0 Credits)  

Consideration of the functions involved in the process of transferring goods from the producer to the consumer; the various channels of distribution; the methods and the cost of marketing; the role of advertising and sales promotion. The structure, functions and behavior of distribution systems including relationships in marketing networks among manufacturers, retailers, consumers, specialized marketing firms and governmental agencies.

MK246  Social Media Marketing  (3.0 Credits)  

Social media represents one of the most significant changes in consumer media behavior in history, resulting in fundamental shifts in the way marketers communicate and interact with consumers. This course provides an introduction to the social media marketing process and the associated platforms entailing websites, blogs, and mobile applications. Students will obtain the practical knowledge and insights required to establish objectives and strategies, properly select the social media platforms to engage consumers and monitor and measure the results of these efforts. An emphasis will also be placed on effective online written skills and addressing ethical issues of social media marketing.

Prerequisite(s): BU241 or MK241.

MK256  Email Marketing  (3.0 Credits)  

Email marketing is vital to modern businesses and a primary tool in any skilled marketer’s toolkit. In this course, you’ll learn how to craft successful email marketing campaigns for sales, engagement, and activation. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to write emails that drive customers to take desired actions and how to structure campaigns for maximum effect. You’ll also build your own marketing campaign. This online class has optional live sessions.

Prerequisite(s): EN111 or EN221, and MK241.

MK266  Viral & Organic Growth  (3.0 Credits)  

“Going Viral” is the goal of most web-based marketing content. Companies that generate content that can spread through the internet organically are the most successful in growing their brand. This course will teach you what drives people to share content and how to build content that is shareable and meme-worthy. By the end of this course, you will understand what drives viral sharing and learn how to facilitate it. This online class has optional live sessions.

Prerequisite(s): MK241.

MK341  Consumer Behavior  (3.0 Credits)  

An introduction to consumer behavior examining the development of research theory while analyzing consumers through demographic, geographic, and psychographic characteristics. Explore the major determinants of consumer behavior, consumer decision process, and its impact on economic activity.

Prerequisite(s): BU241 or MK241.

MK342  Principles of Advertising & PR  (3.0 Credits)  

Study professional advertising and public relations techniques while considering social, legal, technological and ethical variables of the industry. Emphasis on problems related to determining total advertising and public relation individual budgets, choice of suitable media, the requisites of effective promotional messages, and types of advertising and public relations research.

Prerequisite(s): BU241 or MK241.

MK343  Sales & Sales Management  (3.0 Credits)  

Investigate the principles of successful selling; sales techniques and tools; sales personality; behavioral styles and demographic diversity of the consumer; legal and ethical responsibilities of the sales person; and the role and responsibilities of the sales manager.

Prerequisite(s): BU241 or MK241.

MK346  SEO and SEM  (3.0 Credits)  

How do you find what you're looking for on the internet? Chances are you turn to google or another search engine. Companies use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to make sure you see them first every time you turn to a search engine. By the end of this course you'll learn how to optimize a website so that it shows up first on a search, and how to build search ads that will drive customers to your website. This online class has optional live sessions.

Prerequisite(s): MK246

MK442  Marketing Research  (3.0 Credits)  

Investigate the function of marketing research management and methodologies, including problem identification, establishing management and marketing objectives, developing the research plan, choosing the proper sample, legal and ethical parameters, demographic diversities, design of data-gathering instruments, data analysis, the development of conclusions and recommendations, and preparing the report.

Prerequisite(s): BU221, and either BU241 or MK241.

MK446  Digital Marketing Analytics  (3.0 Credits)  

Marketing professionals today have access to incredible amounts of data. The ability to use this data is what differentiates successful marketing efforts from failed ones. This course will teach you how to analyze digital customer behavior data using a range of tools, and use that data to test marketing hypotheses and improve customer acquisition. This online class has optional live sessions.

Prerequisite(s): MK346