Finance (FIN)

FIN235  Introduction to Finance  (3.0 Credits)  

This course will offer students a balanced introduction to the three major areas of finance: institutions and markets, investments, and financial management. The course reviews the discipline’s essential concepts, principles, and practices. Students gain an integrated perspective of finance by learning how markets and institutions influence, and are influenced by, individuals, businesses, and governments. The course is designed to impart financial literacy to students with no previous background in the subject. The course will provide a solid foundation for students to build upon in later courses in financial management, investments, or financial markets. Divided into three parts, the course explains financial markets, discusses the functions of financial systems, reviews savings and investments in different sectors, describes accounting concepts and organizational structures, and more. Real-world examples featured throughout the course will help students understand important concepts and appreciate the role of finance in various local, national, and global settings.

Prerequisite(s): AC171.

FIN335  Financial Management I  (3.0 Credits)  

Managing the finances of an organization. Includes financial statement analysis using ratios and cash flow planning; time value of money; the risk-return relationship; and valuation theory as applied to bonds and stocks, capital budgeting, and risk in capital budgeting.

Prerequisite(s): FIN235

FIN336  Financial Management II  (3.0 Credits)  

Extends the coverage in Financial Management I. Includes the cost of capital, leverage and capital structure, dividend policy, working capital management, derivative securities, mergers/acquisitions, bankruptcy, and international financial management.

Prerequisite(s): FIN335

FIN339  Introduction to Financial Technology  (3.0 Credits)  

This course provides students with an overview of the evolution of Financial Technology and introduces them to its applications in financial services: commercial and investment banking, digital investing, financial advising, and insurance. Students will develop a broad understanding of recent FinTech developments and their impact on different parts of the financial world. Students will also have hands-on problem-solving experiences that can be useful in FinTech applications and innovation. Topics may include but are not limited to: blockchain and cryptocurrencies, smart contracting, payments, digital banking, P2P lending, crowdfunding, robo-advising, and InsurTech.

Prerequisite(s): EN111 or equivalent or EN221.

FIN382  International Finance & Economics  (3.0 Credits)  

Study the international aspect of economic life, including the theory of international trade; exchange rates, markets and financial institutions; balance of payments; international investments; global environmental economic issues; international commercial treaties and agreements; and the position of the United States in the world economy.

Prerequisite(s): FIN335

FIN434  Investment Analysis  (3.0 Credits)  

Explore securities markets, online investing, return and risk, statistical portfolio management, security information analysis, valuation theory as applied to common stocks and fixed income securities, mutual fund investing, and personal portfolio management.

Prerequisite(s): FIN335

FIN482  Financial Market & Institutions  (3.0 Credits)  

Explore the role of financial markets and institutions in the economy, the structure and determination of interest rates, the Federal Reserve Board and monetary policy, debts securities markets, equity markets, futures and options markets, and commercial banking.

Prerequisite(s): FIN335