Global Studies (GS)

GS100  Experiential Learning Global Education  (0.0 Credits)  

This course is an option for an undergraduate student interested in pursuing a global education program to satisfy an experiential learning requirement for graduation. The student will either commit to and complete a study abroad program that is a minimum length of one week and has been approved by the Office of Global Education Programs before the student starts the program or will complete an approved virtual exchange program as part of another course. Following the completion of the program, the student will write a reflection blog post and complete a final program self-evaluation showing how (a) the program developed their intercultural competence and global awareness and (b) the global education program enhanced their higher learning and personal growth. The director of global education program or the course instructor will evaluate the reflection and final self-evaluation. This is a noncredit course that will be graded pass/fail and will satisfy an experiential learning requirement if the student earns a passing grade.

Prerequisite(s): Approval of the director of global education programs or course instructor.

GS150  General Education Abroad I  (3.0 Credits)  

This general education course will be offered in conjunction with a faculty-led education abroad experience. The course’s learning goals and objectives and the activities designed to meet them depend on the nature of the specific general education requirement and the education abroad experience. The course will meet before and after the education abroad experience in addition to during the experience. Students will be asked to apply what they learned to the trip and complete academic assignments as aligned with the learning outcomes of the specific general education category designated for the course. Students spend approximately 12.5 hours in formal instruction and have approximately 25 hours of learning activities outside of class per credit. Course will be offered upon approval of the director of the General Education Program.

GS200  Global Perspectives of Diversity  (1.0 Credits)  

This course will explore global perspectives of diversity through students’ virtual interactions and direct collaboration with people across cultures and borders. This will be a virtual global experience that results in cognitive and emotional growth in intercultural competence. This course is intended for any students who wish to strengthen their intercultural competence skills and global awareness and understanding while also satisfying an experiential learning requirement.

GS250  General Education Abroad II  (3.0 Credits)  

This course satisfies a 200-level general education requirement and will be offered in conjunction with a faculty-led education abroad experience. The course’s learning goals and objectives and the activities designed to meet them depend on the nature of the specific general education requirement and the education abroad experience. The course will meet before and after the education aboard experience in addition to during the experience. Students will be asked to apply what they learned to the trip and complete academic assignments as aligned with the learning outcomes of the specific general education category designated for the course. Students spend approximately 12.5 hours in formal instruction and have approximately 25 hours of learning activities outside of class per credit. Course will be offered upon approval of the director of the General Education Program.

GS300  Faculty-Led Education Abroad  (1.0 Credits)  

This course may be offered in conjunction with a faculty-led education abroad experience. The course’s learning goals and objectives and the activities designed to meet them depend on the nature of the education abroad experience. The course may meet before and after the education abroad experience in addition to during the experience. Students spend approximately 12.5 hours in formal instruction and have approximately 25 hours of learning activities outside of class per credit. With the approval of the department chair, the course may be used for credit in the major.

GS350  General Education Abroad III  (3.0 Credits)  

This course satisfies a 300-level general education requirement and will be offered in conjunction with a faculty-led education abroad experience. The course’s learning goals and objectives and the activities designed to meet them depend on the nature of the specific general education requirement and the education abroad experience. The course will meet before and after the education aboard experience in addition to during the experience. Students will be asked to apply what they learned to the trip and complete academic assignments as aligned with the learning outcomes of the specific general education category designated for the course. Students spend approximately 12.5 hours in formal instruction and have approximately 25 hours of learning activities outside of class per credit. Course will be offered upon approval of the director of the General Education Program.